Waaaghs in the Bullfrog Sector

The Bullfrog Sector Fractions
The Bullfrog Sector Systems

Waaagh Red Skullz
Waaagh Red Skullz
The mighty ork warboss Red Skullz have, during his ongoing Waaagh, conquered many planets in the Bullfrog Sector. His last known position is Hel Segundo in the Hel system, though his forces are to be expected anywhere, raiding for minerals and the fun of combat.

Estimated Forces at disposal:
A stompa
Some killa kahns
Many Foot sluggers
Jet bikes, trucks and looted wagons

da Bad Moonz of Warboss Gingalain
Waaagh Gingalain
The uprising warboss Gingalain is arming his forces to da teeth. With expensive toys like stompas and dakka jets his enemies should expect lots of lots of bullets comin their way. It is unknown if Gingalain is working with, under, for or against Warboss Red Skullz, but rumours has it Gingalain is a mercenary working for whoever pays enough.

The Pilot Ace on the picture was once the only survivor in a battle against the Niflheim Valkyries. Seeing all his battlebrothers beeing slaughtered by the flying thingies, he wanted one for himself. He skavanged all the teeth from his fallen "friends", went to a few more barfights, and finally had enough to buy his own dakka jet. He told his bigmek to mount the wings like that to look more dangerous, not worrying about having to land.. Hence his bigmek spend more time refitting wings than maintaining a perfect paintjob.

Estimated Forces at disposal:
A stompa
Some dakka jets
Many foot sluggers
Deffkoptas, trucks and battle wagons

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