Reka Pelle & Per Tore

Reka Pelle & Per Toredead
Renegade Goblin,
Ankerskogen Blodbaderklubb


Interceptions: 0
Deflections: 0
Completions: 0
Touchdowns: 6
Casualties: 1
MVP awards: 0
Unspent SPP: -6 (20)
Fouls: 0
Compl. seasons: 2





7 2 3+ 4+ 8+ Animosity (all team-mates), Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty, Two Heads, +MA

Sustained Injuries:  DEATH!

Was killed in the match Ankerskogen Blodbaderklubb - Underworld Overlords (Nellie's A-Cup, round 6).

Reka Pelle is a nervous little goblin who is often unintentionally funny. He is afraid of most things, but does not want to admit it. He eats all the time, and that makes him fart a lot. Pelle is a trusty friend who likes to lend a hand or three, as long as he feels it is safe.

After Ankerskogen Blodbaderklubb - Underworld Overlords (Semi Pro XIV, semipro) a extra head that goes by the name of Per Tore seems to have permanently stuck to Pelle's back. While the head is quite moronic he will often warn Pelle of imminent dangers.

Crushed by Morgan Torgersen in an unfortunate throw team mate fumble accident.

RIP Reka Pelle & Per Tore. We hardly knew ye.

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RookieOfTheYear XXI
Keffo Kup 18
Nellie's Golden Juggs
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