Match result

Season V, Semi Pro
Team badge
BATtling Cobras

gate: 34 000
1 TD score 4
cas score
Team badge
Duftham Skulltakers


profile Haluelie von Coldcurse Bounty (130000 gp)
TD Scorers
Luga retired
Foulers (no cas)
Sent off
Badly Hurt'ers
Borim dead
Kjarnir Thonmund dead
mercenary / fans / random event

Khorne Colossus Hall of Fame Bounty (370000 gp)
Búluk Bounty (20000 gp)
Khorne Colossus Hall of Fame Bounty (370000 gp)
Khorne Colossus Hall of Fame Bounty (370000 gp)
mercenary / fans / random event
mercenary / fans / random event

profile Blodberg von Cryptchant Bounty (100000 gp) dead
Ianus von Fogspirit
profile Ike Lonesome
Completions by
Kjarnir Thonmund dead
Borim dead
Borim dead
Búluk Bounty (20000 gp)
Borim dead
TTM Completions by
Interceptions by
Deflections by

profile Tastemaibel Odin Bags dead
MVP awards to
Ruun Snorre Hjarveig dead
Sustained Injuries

profile Hank Le-Broke dead
profile Fredrich "Thumble" Tastyneck retired
Gary Notzotouff
Miss Next Game

victim healed by apoth
profile Mee Baight dead
Thumb Sand P. Ointers dead
Result added May 17th, 2008

Match notes
The Duftham Skulltakers defence was just to strong for the weakly BATtling Cobras thralls. Shifting positions twice, and blitzing once made a huge impact on the BATtling Cobras offence before they could get the ball to the opposing endzone. Also the strong chaos warriors had no problem breaking the thrall cloth armour, killing 3 this game! (well, one lucky one was saved by the apothecary). The casualty numbers speaks for it self, go CHAOS!

Morg'n Thorg assisted Duftham Skulltakers' defence.

Desperate move:
Blodberg von Cryptchant use hypnnotic gaze on Khorne Colossus, Haluelie von Coldcurse used hypnotic gaze on T-Lex Magnum - it's a hole in the Chaos LOS. Ike Lonesome picks up and pass a short pass to Ianus von Fogspirit that runs it through the line and towards the endzone. He is caught up ofcourse, by the chaos warriors - blocked with two dice against; POW! - no help with the block dodge combo there...

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